PMI PMP Project Management

Category - Time Management

Jan is heading up a new Human Resources initiative at The Coffin Factory. Which of the following should Jan utilize to optimize her project’s results?
  1. She should pad her project by at least a week’s time, just in case the unforeseen happens.
  2. She should accept project requirements as given to her from sponsors and do her best to work around them the best she can.
  3. She should base her estimates on her WBS.
  4. She should revise her baselines, as scope, cost, etc. continue to shift
Answer: c - Estimates done utilizing a WBS, or on small increments of work, yield the best results.

Padding, contrary to popular belief, is not a recommended practice because it’s often used as a substitute for analytical thinking about a project time line. Everyone knows there is variation in the time it takes to complete tasks. A good project manager estimates probabilities, risks and other key factors and includes a buffer, rather than just padding the time required. A good program manager will call you out on poorly thought through padding since this usually increases the budget for the project and needs to be justified.

Project managers ought to look at any requirements given to them from managers or any other sources with a critical eye, and not just receive those requirements ‘as is.’ Lastly, baselines should not being moving or they’re not what they were intended to be - a ‘base’ of measure for the project.

Key Take Away: Remember Parkinson’s Law, which states that “Work expands to the time allocated for its completion”. Padding causes additional time to be allocated to the project that may not be necessary - people will expand work to fill this time.
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