EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

The earliest philosophers thought that an individual’s personality was based on ___________.
  1. a healthy relationship with their parents
  2. a person’s healthy self-concept
  3. a mix of four different bodily fluids
  4. a person’s soul or spirit
Answer: C - The earliest philosophers thought that an individual’s personality was based on a mix of four different bodily fluids.
Key Takeaway: Ancient philosophers in Greece believed that personality was based on a mix of four bodily fluids or ‘humors’ (yellow bile, black bile, blood, and phlegm). The choleric humor represented by yellow bile was the basis for agreeableness while melancholic humor represented by black bile was basis for neuroticism. Sanguine humor represented by blood was the basis for openness to experience while phlegmatic represented by blood was the basis for neuroticism. This view of personality was the earliest biological basis of personality that was explored by philosophers.
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