Category - XP

Jack is an administrator at an organization that has a number of branch offices around the world. One of the employees has recently traveled to Germany. Jack had configured the employee’s laptop to display German date and time settings. When the employee returns to the main office in New York, all of his e-mail messages display German date and time settings. What should Jack do to change the settings to the ones that will suit New York?
  1. In the Regional and Language Options, apply the English user interface.
  2. In the Regional and Language Options, apply the English input language keyboard.
  3. In the Regional and Language options, apply English (United States) Standards and Formats.
  4. In the date and time options, change the Time Zone to Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Answer - C - To change the time and date settings that will suit the US, go to the Regional and Language options in the Control Panel and apply English (United States) Standards and Formats.

Key Takeaway: With Regional and Language Options in Control Panel, you can change the format Windows uses to display dates, times, currency amounts, large numbers, and numbers with decimal fractions. This option can also be used to configure a variety of input languages and text services, such as different keyboard layouts, Input Method Editors, and speech and handwriting recognition programs.

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