Jack is a security advisor in his company. All users need to connect to an FTP server for data exchange using the FTP protocol. Considering the fact that FTP is an unsecure protocol, which of the following protocols should he replace the FTP protocol with?
  1. DNS
  2. HTTP
  3. TFTP
  4. SFTP
Answer: D - FTP protocol should be replaced by the Secure FTP protocol.

Key Takeaway: The vulnerability associated with using the FTP protocol is that the user ID and password aren’t encrypted and are subject to packet capture. This creates a major security breach, especially if you’re connecting to an FTP server across a public network such as the Internet. Secure FTP is accomplished using a protocol called Secure Shell (SSH), a type of tunneling protocol that allows access to remote systems in a secure manner. TFTP is a trivial version of FTP. HTTP can provide some of the same file transfer capabilities as FTP, but has more overhead and is not secure. DNS cannot provide the same functionalities as the FTP protocol.
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