DSST Business Law II Exam Prep

Category - DSST Business Law II

In which of the following contracts cases is the defendant most likely to be charged with the crime of fraud?
  1. Defendant Marla misrepresented her puppy's pedigree when selling it to Mona.
  2. Defendant Jordan misrepresented his income when applying for a credit card with Jack's Superstore.
  3. Defendant Mark misrepresented his educational background when entering into an employment agreement with Mike.
  4. Defendant Kyle misrepresented his income when asking Kate to marry him.
  5. Defendant Nancy misrepresented the condition of her car when she sold it to Nona Jo.
Answer: B. The defendant who is most likely to be charged with the crime of fraud is Defendant Jordan, who misrepresented his income when applying for a credit card with Jack's Superstore. Defendant Jordan may have committed credit card fraud, which by statute is a crime. While most fraud in contract cases does not rise to the level of criminal fraud, there are specific types of contract fraud that have been criminalized by statute.
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