EPPP Psychology

Category - Assessment and Diagnosis

In response to the Stanford-Binet Intelligence test, David Weschsler created the Weschsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). The WAIS is said to be superior to the Stanford-Binet because it:
  1. Provides a more accurate representation of intelligence
  2. Is able to be used with adults and children
  3. Places less emphasis on verbal abilities by measuring both verbal and nonverbal abilities
  4. Uses more colorful and interesting testing materials, thus eliminating boredom for children taking the test
Answer: C - The WAIS is said to be superior to the Stanford-Binet because it places less emphasis on verbal abilities by measuring both verbal and nonverbal abilities.
David Weschsler was classified as “feeble minded” at 9 years of age when his family immigrated to the United States from Romania (likely due to his poor English ability). He sought to develop a test that measured verbal and nonverbal abilities, recognizing that intelligence encompasses more than just verbal abilities. The WAIS full scale IQ is comprised of the General Ability Index (made from Verbal Comprehension Index and Perceptual Reasoning Index) and the Cognitive Proficiency Index (made from the Working Memory Index and then Perceptual Speed Index). Thus, it incorporates more than just verbal abilities into the concept of intelligence.
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