SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

encumbrance : impediment ::
  1. prelude : culmination
  2. malapropism : verbiage
  3. ministration : neglect
  4. schematic : diagram
Answer: Choice (D) is correct.

An encumbrance and an impediment are the same things - burdens or hindrances. So, look for the answer choice that contains synonyms. In choice (A), a prelude is an introduction, often to a literary work or musical piece, and a culmination is the ending. Since these are antonyms, eliminate this choice. In choice (B), a malapropism is a ridiculous misuse of a word, and verbiage has to do with the choice of words. These words do not have the same relationship as encumbrance and impediment. In choice (C), ministration means care or assistance, not neglect, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), a schematic is a graphic or a diagram, so that is the correct choice.
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