SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

imperious : subservient ::
  1. lithe : supple
  2. obsequious : flattering
  3. spurious : unauthentic
  4. perfidious : frank
Answer: Choice (D) is correct.

Imperious means domineering or authoritative, not subservient or submissive. Therefore, look for the answer choice that contains antonyms. In choice (A), lithe means supple or flexible, so eliminate that choice. In choice (B), obsequious means flattering or fawning over someone, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), spurious means something that is imitation or unauthentic, so eliminate that choice. In choice (D), perfidious means deceitful or dishonest, not frank and candid, so that is the correct choice.
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