SAT Vocab Builder

Category - SAT Vocab

frenetic : chaotic ::
  1. venial : excusable
  2. winsome : repugnant
  3. lofty : self-effacing
  4. jocose : despondent
Answer: Choice (A) is correct.

The first part of the analogy contains synonyms; frenetic and chaotic both mean frantic and hectic. Therefore, look for the answer pair that contains synonyms. In choice (B), winsome and repugnant are antonyms. Winsome means pleasant and attractive and repugnant means disgusting, so eliminate that choice. In choice (C), lofty means haughty and proud, and self-effacing means modest and meek. Since those are antonyms, eliminate that choice. In choice (D), jocose means comical and playful, and despondent means very unhappy. These are antonyms, so eliminate that choice. In choice (A), the word venial means excusable or forgivable. Therefore, (A) is the correct choice.
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