CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

How many tapes are required for each category in the grandfather-father-son backup implementation?
  1. Grandfather = 4, father = 1, son = 1
  2. Grandfather = 1, father = 1, son = 4
  3. Grandfather = 1, father = 4, son = 1
  4. Grandfather = 1, father = 1, son = 1
Answer - B - For a grandfather-father-son backup implementation, one grandfather, one father, and four son backup tapes are required.

Key Takeaway: Grandfather-father-son backup refers to the most common rotation scheme for rotating backup media. There are three sets of backups, such as daily, weekly, and monthly. The daily, or son, backups are rotated on a daily basis, with one graduating to father status each week. The weekly or father backups are rotated on a weekly basis, with one graduating to grandfather status each month.
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