CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

Which of the following ATA specifications is capable of data transfer rates of up to 33 MBps?
  1. Ultra-ATA
  2. ATA
  3. ATA-2
  4. Fast ATA
Answer - A - Ultra-ATA is capable of data transfer rates of up to 33 MBps.

Key Takeaway: Ultra ATA standard is based on a joint venture design between Intel, Quantum, and Seagate. This standard allows a hard disk or drive to transfer data directly to the computer’s system memory without having to use the CPU to direct this action. This saves processor resources and increases performance. Hence, Ultra ATA is also called Ultra DMA or UDMA. It is an enhanced version of the IDE interface that transfers data at 33, 66, or 100 Mbytes/sec, depending on the variants of this standard used.
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