ASWB Social Work Bachelor's Exam Prep

Category - ASWB Bachelor's

Five-year-old Jesse has been displaying inappropriate behaviors on the playground. He wants to take other children’s toys, push them off the swings when he wants a turn, and knocks kids down to get to the slide. Jesse clearly does not like to share or wait in line during recess. His teacher started conditioning him by providing the opportunity of being first in line for recess when he displays appropriate playing behaviors the previous day. Eventually, Jesse found that he could get to the swings and slide faster if he behaved.

Conditioning occurs through interaction with the environment. What theory of learning is based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired through this conditioning?

  1. Anti-social theory
  2. Communication theory
  3. Comprehension theory
  4. Behaviorism theory

Answer: D – Behaviorism can be studied in a systematic and observable manner without the need for internal mental states. Two major types of conditioning are classical and operant. Classical utilizes a naturally occurring stimulus paired with a response, while operant is the method of learning through rewards and punishments.

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