EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

Everyone deals with grief and loss differently. Special loss support groups provide support for specific losses, such as a parent or child, and are often differentiated by distinct age groups, like children, adolescents, and young adults. Other characteristics of a client in a special loss group that need to be considered are __________ . Choose all that apply.
  1. Developmental level
  2. Gender
  3. Academic achievement
  4. All of the above
Answer: A and B - Special loss support groups are aimed at helping individuals deal with a specific loss (such as a child, parent, or spouse), and the associated grief. Yet due to the particular needs of those grieving, it is important for the counselor to explore a variety of factors such as the client’s developmental level (in terms of cognitive ability to comprehend the death), and gender (as males and females tend to grieve, and display grief differently).
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