EPPP Psychology

Category - Growth and Lifespan Development

Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development identifies eight stages people go through in the course of a lifetime. Each stage is connected to a psychosocial predicament that one must work through, in order to move on to the next developmental stage. In the identity vs. role confusion stage, what question might a person ask himself or herself as part of working towards the next stage?
  1. “Can I Love?”
  2. “Is it OK to be Me?”
  3. “Can I Make My Life Count?”
  4. “Who Am I?”
Answer: D - The identity vs. role confusion stage of development (also called the fidelity stage) occurs in adolescence and is typically accompanied by experimenting with various behaviors, and roles as a result of asking questions such as “Who am I?” and/ or “What can I be?”
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