CLEP Management

Category - CLEP Management

Elizabeth has been late for work the last two days. Her manager gave her a verbal warning and mentioned that if she was late again, she would receive a written warning. What type of discipline is this an example of?
  1. Permanent discipline
  2. Positive discipline
  3. Progressive discipline
  4. Perceptive discipline
Answer: C - This is an example of progressive discipline, since the punishment is works with subsequent offenses.

Key Takeaway: Progressive discipline is defined as a discipline system that uses a series of steps or levels to punish employees. Each step or level is more severe than the prior one. Progressive discipline often starts with a verbal warning, progresses to a written warning, then suspension and finally termination of employment. Depending on how the system is set up, managers may choose to skip levels in the progressive discipline system based on the severity of the initial infraction.
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