Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Dynamic stretches imitates movement patterns that occur during a training session or while playing a particular sport. Which of the following is the BEST example of dynamic stretching?
  1. A baseball pitcher stretching his hamstrings before a baseball game
  2. A basketball player stretching his pectoral muscles before a practice session
  3. A track athlete stretching her hamstrings and quadriceps before performing a hurdles event at a track meet
  4. A soccer player stretching her shoulder muscles prior to a game
Answer: C - Dynamic stretching helps athletes train for their particular activities by increasing sport-specific flexibility. Since the hamstring and quadriceps muscles are placed on stretch during hurdling events, a track and field athlete stretching those muscles prior to a hurdles event is an example of dynamic stretching. The observant instructor will cue participants on how to best integrate dynamic stretching as controlled movements designed to improve range of motion, prepare muscles for work, increase heart rate, increase body temperature, and improve blood flow.
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