CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

David has just installed the Wake-On-LAN card on his server. He tries to boot the remote servers and is unable to do so. Which of the following packets could be the cause of the issue?
  1. Magic packet
  2. SNMP packet
  3. TCP/IP packet
  4. IP packet
Answer - A - Magic packet is causing an issue.

Key Takeaway: Wake-on-LAN is an Ethernet computer networking standard that allows a computer to be turned on or woken up by a network message. The computer to be woken up is shut down with power reserved for the network card. The network card listens for a specific packet containing its MAC address, called the magic packet, broadcast on the broadcast address for that particular subnet. Once it receives this packet, it checks the packet for the correct information. If the magic packet is valid, the network card takes the computer out of hibernation or standby and starts it up.
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