CCA Medical Coding Professional Free Exam Prep

Category - CCA Medical Coding Practice Test Questions

Contrast material is introduced into a patient in order to better visualize the area being imaged. What are the three main ways that contrast material can be introduced?
  1. Intravascularly, Intrathecally, and with an Angiogram
  2. Intrathecally, Intravascularly, or Injected into a Vein
  3. Intra-Articulary, Intravascularly, or Injected
  4. Intravascularly, Intra-Articulary, or Intrathecally
Answer: D - The three main ways that contrast material can be introduced are intravascularly, intra-articulary, or intrathecally. Intravascular contrast material is injected into a vein. Intra-articular contrast material is injected into a joint. Intrathecal contrast material is injected within a sheath (within subarachnoid/spinal fluid).
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