CCA Medical Coding Professional Free Exam Prep

Category - CCA Medical Coding Practice Test Questions

A 20-month-old with end-stage renal disease was receiving dialysis twice a week, awaiting a kidney transplant. During the last month of life, the patient received dialysis once per day. Dialysis was administered between June 1 and June 14. The patient’s parents received daily face-to-face counseling regarding the patient’s care and ESRD status. What is the correct code for the patient’s dialysis care?
  1. 90968 (X14)
  2. 90960
  3. 90967 (X14)
  4. 90964
Answer: C - The correct code for the patient’s dialysis care is 90967 (X14) (ESRD-related Services for Dialysis Less than an Full Month of Service, Per Day; for Patients Younger than 2 Years of Ages).Code 90967 (X14) is used because the patient only received dialysis services from June 1 to June 14. In addition, code 90967 (X14) needs to be reported with 14 units, in reference to the 14 individual days of service.
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