Accuplacer ESL Practice Test

Category - Accuplacer ESL Practice Test

Choose the answer which best rewords the italicized portion. If you think the original wording is best, choose option A.

The United States sent troops in 1965 to contain the spread of communism into South Vietnam and prevent the collapse of the government.
  1. The United States sent troops in 1965 to contain the spread of communism into South Vietnam and prevent the collapse of the government.
  2. The United States sent troops in 1965, to contain the spread of communism into South Vietnam, and prevent the collapse of the government.
  3. The United States sent troops to South Vietnam in 1965 to contain the spread of communism and prevent the collapse of the government.
  4. The United States sent troops to contain the spread of communism into South Vietnam and prevent the collapse of the government in 1965.
Answer: C - The best choice is “The United States sent troops to South Vietnam in 1965 to contain the spread of communism and prevent the collapse of the government.”

In the original sentence, it is unclear where the United States sent troops. Inserting “to South Vietnam” after “troops,” properly conveys when, where, and why the United States sent troops to South Vietnam.
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