Occupational Therapy Assistant

Category - Implementing Interventions

Carl is a 48-year-old man with multiple psychological diagnoses. He has difficulty with executive functions and is unable to balance his bank account without making numerous errors. What do you recommend to Carl to help him manage his bank account?
  1. Use a calculator to make calculations, rather than attempting to complete math problems mentally while balancing his bank account.
  2. Check the bank balance online every day to make sure the account has enough money.
  3. Request that the bank monitor his bank balance for him.
  4. Open more than one bank account in case one becomes overdrawn.
Answer: A. You recommend to Carl that he use a calculator to make calculations, rather than attempting to complete math problems mentally while balancing his bank account. Since Carl has difficulty with executive functions, he will have difficulty completing math problems in his head. He will make fewer errors if he uses a calculator to compensate for his difficulty completing math problems.
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