EPPP Psychology

Category - Treatment, Intervention, Prevention, and Supervision

Bridging is a central technique, associated with multimodal therapy. A broad example of bridging is __________ .
  1. The therapist notes the client responds to a question using reasoning (cognition), and encourages the client to stay with this cognitive modality
  2. The therapist notes the client responds to a question, based on his or her feelings (emotion), and urges the client to stop focusing on emotions
  3. The therapist notes the client responds to a question using reasoning (cognition), and shifts the client (when appropriate) to address the question based on his or her feelings (emotion)
  4. None of the above
Answer: C - Bridging is when a therapist attends to a clients’ principal modality initially, to build the therapeutic relationship. Then, the therapist encourages the client to address the same concern via other modalities (feeling, images, thinking, etc.), in order to further the client’s therapeutic progress, and understanding of self.
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