EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

As humans, instead of remembering every detail of an event or a story, which would be very time consuming and effortful, we tend to remember a general picture of what happened. Later, if asked to remember an event or a story, we recall the general picture we created and then fill in the specific details, which may or may not be accurate. This is referred to as what?
  1. Autobiographical memory
  2. Imagination inflation
  3. Recovered memory
  4. Constructive memory
Answer: D - Recalling a general picture and then filling in the specific details is referred to as constructive memory.
It would be impossible for humans to remember every detail of every event they encounter. Instead, we remember a general picture, or schema, of what happened or what was told to us. If asked to remember that information, we recall the schema and then fill in (or construct) specific details.
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