PMI PMP Project Management

Category - Quality Management

Another company makes 1,000,000 parts. They’re shooting for 3 sigma quality. Fewer than ___ out of a million defective parts would be the threshold they are trying to beat.
  1. 45,400
  2. 3,700
  3. 2,700
  4. 1,700
  5. 2
Answer: C - Three sigma implies that 99.73% fall within standards, or less than 2,700 defects per million.

For the basis of comparison:

1 sigma is 68.26%. This would be 317,400 defects per million.
2 sigma is 95.46%. This would be 45,400 defects per million.
3 sigma is 99.73%. This would be 2,700 defects per million.
6 sigma is 99.99985%, or less than 2 defects per million.

Key takeaway: Three sigma is a realistic representation of good quality in my manufacturing processes.
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