CPM Certified Professional Midwife

Category - Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum

An examination reveals that the presentation of the fetus is continuously changed (even beyond the 36th weeks of pregnancy) when it should have been in a stabilized position. Which is the the type of malpresentation occurring in this patient?
  1. Brow presentation
  2. Transverse lie
  3. Breech presentation
  4. Unstable lie
Answer: D - Unstable lie

Unstable lie is a condition where the presentation of the fetus is continuously changed (even beyond 36th week of pregnancy) when it should have been stabilized. Causes includes grand multiparae, polyhydramnios, contracted pelvis, placenta praevia, and pelvic tumors. Risks of unstable lie at a late stage of pregnancy include obstructed labor and umbilical cord prolapse. Cesarean section is performed in the majority of patients with this type of malpresentation.
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