CRNE Exam Prep

Category - Changes in Health

An eighty-year-old male client diagnosed with benign prostatic hypertrophy complains of pain as the nurse inflates the balloon of the indwelling urethral catheter that has been inserted. What is the best action of the nurse?
  1. Aspirate the fluid, withdraw the catheter, and reinflate the balloon.
  2. Aspirate the fluid, advance the catheter, and reinflate the balloon.
  3. Remove the syringe and begin aftercare. Pain is an expected response.
  4. Aspirate the fluid, remove the catheter, and replace it with a smaller catheter.
Answer: B - If pain occurs during balloon inflation, it indicates that the balloon needs to be repositioned. The best action is to aspirate the fluid, advance the catheter further, and reinflate the balloon. Advancing the catheter would allow some space for balloon inflation.
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