LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

An anthropologist was working on an archeological dig of an ancient village in a Central American country. Near the ancient village, she discovered a large circle of rocks, with larger four larger rocks carefully placed on the northern, southern, eastern, and western sides of the circle. She also found four rectangular-shaped rocks placed at other points around the circle. After a survey, the anthropologists learned that the center of the circle and the rectangular-shaped rocks were aligned with rising and setting sun on the summer solstice and with the rising and setting sun on the winter solstice. Based on this information, the anthropologist concluded, “This ancient society worshipped the sun.” What assumption does this conclusion require?
  1. All societies that align objects to follow the summer and winter solstices worship the sun.
  2. All rock formations are aligned with the summer and winter solstices.
  3. All ancient villages followed the summer and winter solstices.
  4. All ancient societies were sun-worshippers.
Answer: A - All societies that align objects to follow the summer and winter solstices worship the sun. Starting from this major premise, the anthropologist relies on the following minor premise stated in the question: the ancient village built a circle of rocks with rectangular rocks aligned to the rising and setting suns on the summer and winter solstices. Since the alignment of rocks brings the ancient village within the class of sun-worshipping societies, the anthropologist can reach her conclusion. Answer B and Answer C are incorrect because they do not establish that an alignment with solstices correlates to sun-worshipping. Answer D is incorrect because the conclusion could be reached without the minor premise.
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