NREMT Paramedic

Category - Medical

An 89-year-old female presents with multiple bruises on her face and upper extremities. She lives with her son, who tells you that the patient is always falling down and is just generally clumsy. The patient appears malnourished and frightened. She cowers when you approach and is reluctant to allow you to examine her. Her son seems to be hostile toward you and your partner and nervously attempts to explain each bruise. In this case you should do all of the following except:
  1. Obtain a complete patient and family history
  2. Report suspicious of elder abuse to the emergency department staff
  3. Be honest and be open with the patient’s son about your concerns
  4. Listen carefully for inconsistencies in stories
Answer: C - You should never take an open approach with a patient’s family members when suspecting abuse. Law enforcement should be involved in all legal or safety issues that arise on-scene.
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