Category - XP

All the members of your team are requesting processor upgrades on their computers. You test the computers by monitoring the processor activity using the Processor > %Processor Time counter. What average value for this counter would indicate a processor bottleneck?
  1. Over 10%
  2. Over 85%
  3. Over 60%
  4. Over 50%
Answer - B - When the Processor > %Processor Time counter goes beyond 85%, it is a sign of a bottleneck.

Key Takeaway: The Processor> % Processor Time counter determines the percentage of time the processor is busy by measuring the percentage of time the Idle process is running and then subtracting that from 100 percent. This measurement is the amount of processor utilization. The value that characterizes high processor utilization depends greatly on your system and workload. If the average is over 85%, then a bottleneck is indicated.
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