EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

Alan is preparing to get his black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Which of the following is NOT helpful in articulating and reaching his goals?
  1. “I have to train with the best instructor in town”
  2. “I have to set difficult but attainable short term goals”
  3. I have to avoid difficult moves until a day or two before the exam”
  4. “I have to approach difficult moves with minimum injury techniques”
Answer: C - Alan is preparing to get his black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Thinking “I have to avoid difficult moves until a day or two before the exam” is NOT helpful in articulating and reaching his goals.
Key Takeaway: Negative thoughts are not helpful in articulating and reaching difficult goals. If Alan avoids difficult moves until a day or two before the exam, he will do very poorly because of a lack of practice. This will most likely lead to him failing the exam. A negative thought can lead to a person not challenging themselves and avoiding necessary difficult tasks. Negative thoughts can also hinder motivation as a person may feel that nothing they do will change the final outcome of an event.
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