Category - XP

After installing a new set of device drivers, your Windows XP computer will not boot properly. You believe the new hardware drivers are the cause. How can you verify this?
  1. Log onto the computer if you are able and check your resource allocations for device conflicts.
  2. Shut down the computer and reboot. Press F8 at the system prompt and select the Last Known Good Configuration.
  3. Reload the device drivers you've just installed and reboot the computer.
  4. Roll back the device drivers to a different version and reboot the computer.
Answer - B - To try to fix this problem, press F8 at the system prompt and select the Last Known Good Configuration option.

Key Takeaway: Windows operating systems store a copy of a system's hardware configuration and driver settings taken from the system’s registry when the OS boots successfully. This copy is stored in case a subsequent boot process fails. The OS can then use the record of the Last Known Good configuration to perform a successful boot. Each time the OS boots successfully, it replaces the previous Last Known Good configuration record with the new one from the most recent successful boot.
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