PTA Physical Therapy Assistant

Category - Data Collection

According to the Winsor and Hyman functional grading system, what of the following is referred to as Grade III?
  1. No functional limitation
  2. Ambulatory less than 4 blocks before onset of claudication
  3. Ambulatory at least 4 blocks before onset of claudication
  4. Non-ambulatory due to ischemic pain at rest
Answer: B - According to the Winsor and Hyman functional grading system, Grade III refers to ambulatory less than 4 blocks before onset of claudication.

The Winsor and Hyman functional grading system can be used to grade the functional level of patients with peripheral vascular disorder. It has Grades I to IV.

Grade I - No functional limitation
Grade II - Ambulatory at least 4 blocks before onset of claudication
Grade III - Ambulatory less than 4 blocks before onset of claudication
Grade IV - Non-ambulatory due to ischemic pain at rest
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