CPM Certified Professional Midwife

Category - Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum

A woman (second gravida) developed lower abdominal pain during her third trimester of pregnancy. Of the following possible causes, which is most the most serious complication in terms of the fetus?
  1. Preeclampsia
  2. Intrauterinre death
  3. Ruptured uterus
  4. Postmaturity
Answer: C - Intrauterine death

Intrauterine death refers to death of the fetus. Preeclampsia is a maternal complication characterized by high blood pressure in the mother as well as damage to an organ (such as the kidney). Ruptured uterus is a maternal complication that ranges from mild to severe. Postmaturity refers to a delivery beyond the expected date (and beyond 9 months of pregnancy).

Other causes of lower abdominal pain in the third trimester include:
1. Labor pain
2. Urinary tract infection
3. Abruptio placenta
4. Premature labor
5. Ruptured uterus
6. Torsion of gravid uterus
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