MTEL Business Practice Exam

Category - Business Operations

A student has made a list of internships that are available at a number of different companies. In deciding which internships would be most likely to help advance his career, the student should first ask himself which of the following questions about each internship?
  1. What can this internship teach me about my chosen field?
  2. How many other individuals with my qualifications are likely to apply for this internship?
  3. How much money will I earn over the course of this internship?
  4. What method will the company use to evaluate my performance during this internship?
Correct Response: A. The primary purpose of an internship is to offer practical work experience in a particular career to people who plan to enter the field. As students are deciding on what internship will best help them advance their career choice, they should consider what the internship can teach them about their chosen line of work. The focus should not be on how many people are likely to apply for the internship, but on how they can market themselves as the best candidate for the internship (B). Money should not be the first question to ask. In fact, most internships are not paid. Money considerations should be secondary to questions about what can be learned from the experience (C). While it is always important to know how one will be evaluated, this is not the first question that should be asked when seeking an internship (D).
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