Medical Coding

Category - Medicine

A patient is given an intramuscular injection of Ancef prior to his procedure. What is the correct CPT code for the subcutaneous or intramuscular therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection?
  1. 96365, J0690
  2. 96369, J0690
  3. 96372, J0690
  4. 96374, J0690
Answer: C - 96372 is the correct code for subcutaneous or intramuscular therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection. J0690 is the correct code for Ancef.

Code 96365 is incorrect because this is the code for intravenous infusion for therapy, prophylaxis or diagnosis. Code 96369 is incorrect because this code is for subcutaneous infusion for therapy or prophylaxis. Code 96374 is incorrect because this code is for intravenous push of therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic injection.
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