A patient is admitted to the emergency department with complaints of giddiness and syncope. His ECG demonstrates frequent sinus pauses. What should be the priority action the attending nurse should take?
  1. Explain to the patient about and obtain consent for permanent pacemaker insertion
  2. Prepare the patient for temporary pacemaker insertion
  3. Start oxygen inhalation and IV fluid
  4. Insert IV cannula and prepare isoprenaline for administering to this patient
Answer- D - The priority action by the nurse is to insert IV cannula and prepare isoprenaline for administering to this patient. The patient presenting with frequent sinus pauses definitely needs temporary pacemaker insertion. However, this should not be the first step. The first step should be to insert IV cannula and prepare isoprenaline to administer to the patient. Isoprenaline helps in buying time to prepare the patient for temporary pacemaker insertion. Decision about permanent pacemaker implantation cannot be taken at this moment. Oxygen and IV fluid does not play a significant role in this patient’s treatment
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