Certified Gastroenterology RN Exam Prep

Category - Reduction of Risk

A nurse plans to attach the probe of a pulse oximeter on the client's right forefinger. Which of the following conditions could result in inaccurate reading by the probe, necessitating a change in the attachment site?

  1. Artificial fingernails
  2. Hypothermia
  3. Client has chronic respiratory disease
  4. Client has Parkinson's disease

Answer: D - Clients with Parkinson's disease usually develop hand tremors. Attaching the probe to any of the client's fingers would yield inaccurate readings. The other options are conditions that do not necessitate a change in attachment site. To avoid false readings, the client may remove the artificial nails. The nurse could also increase the temperature in the room to avoid hypothermia which can affect the probe's readings. In clients with chronic respiratory disease, the nurse would expect lower than normal O2 saturation.

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