A nurse is assigned to a 25-year-old woman scheduled for therapeutic termination of pregnancy due to a recently discovered heart condition of the mother. The nurse refuses to care for this client because of a conflict in religious beliefs. How should the charge nurse handle this situation?

  1. Insist that the nurse accept the delegated task.
  2. Ask the nurse to set aside her beliefs for the sake of nursing care.
  3. Assign the nurse to another client.
  4. Ask the nurse to document her refusal in the client's chart.

Answer: C - The charge nurse or the employer should guarantee free exercise of beliefs without discrimination. Some nurses have religious beliefs that may prohibit them from participating in certain procedures. Employers should accommodate the nurse's request not to participate in any care or procedure that is in conflict with their religious beliefs. A written statement should be provided by the nurse indicating the moral or religious basis for refusing the client assignment.

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