CRNE Exam Prep

Category - Changes in Health

A male client with an obsessive-compulsive behavior is admitted to the mental health facility. He is unable to finish schoolbecause his repetitive behavior caused him to missmost of his classes. The nurse understands that the client’s behavior is mainly caused by which of the following:
  1. The client is responding to a psychologically traumatic event and re-experiencing intrusive dreams.
  2. The client is responding to auditory hallucinations and is attempting to overcome them.
  3. The client is constantly preoccupied with intrusive thoughts and ideas and he is unconsciously attempting to reduce his anxiety.
  4. The client has an altered self-perception in which his own reality is temporarily lost.
Answer: C - The client with an obsessive-compulsive behavior is constantly preoccupied with intrusive thoughts and ideas. The client is attempting to control the environment and anxiety level by repetitive actions.
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