A client with sleep apnea is prone to unexplained fatigue due to poor sleep quality. A female client reports increased daytime sleepiness. During the sleep study, the physician notes that the client's chest movement and airflow cease during apneic episodes. These findings strongly suggest that the client has which type of sleep apnea?

  1. Central apnea
  2. Obstructive apnea
  3. Mixed apnea
  4. Peripheral apnea

Answer: A - Cessation of chest movement and airflow strongly suggest central apnea. Central apnea is believed to be a result of a defect in the respiratory center of the brain. Central apnea is commonly seen in clients with brain stem injury or muscular dystrophy. Obstructive apnea results from an obstruction in the pharynx or oral cavity. In this type of apnea, chest and diaphragmatic movements continue, but airflow is usually decreased. Mixed apnea is a combination of central and obstructive apneas. Option D is not a known type of sleep apnea.

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