CPM Certified Professional Midwife

Category - Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum

A client gives birth to a baby girl through vaginal birth. After placental delivery, which of the following assessment findings indicates that further evaluation of the client is necessary?
  1. Uterine fundus is firm.
  2. The fundus is located at the level of the umbilicus.
  3. About 300 mL of blood is lost.
  4. Specific gravity increases.
Answer: B - A fundus located at the level of the umbilicus after the delivery of the placenta indicates that further evaluation of the client is necessary. After placental delivery, the uterine fundus is usually firm, and the fundus is usually located about two fingerbreadths below the umbilicus. In vaginal births, about 300 to 500 mL of blood is lost. The specific gravity increases due to decreased fluid intake during labor.
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