A 75-year old male patient is being released from the hospital after improving from familial congestive heart failure. His son was anxious to know if the disease can be prevented by lifestyle modification or prophylactic medications. What is the appropriate advice for the nurse to give to the son??
  1. Avoid alcohol and smoking, maintain proper blood pressure, reduce salt and fluid intake, and maintain an active lifestyle
  2. Treatment of co-morbidities is sufficient to prevent progression of disease
  3. Avoiding alcohol and smoking and diet containing low sodium and fat are enough
  4. Nothing needs to be done except maintaining an active lifestyle
Answer- A - The nurse should advise him that in order to decrease disease progression, he should avoid alcohol and drug consumption, avoid smoking, maintain proper blood pressure, eat a diet low in saturated fats and sodium, reduce fluid intake, treat other co-morbidities and maintain an active lifestyle. Individuals having familial congestive heart failure can reduce extent and degree of disease through self-care and proper disease management, although they cannot prevent the onset.
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