A 42-year old male patient is being discharged from hospital after a mitral valve replacement surgery with a metallic valve. He has been prescribed warfarin. Teaching about which of the following things should be given priority by the nurse?
  1. He should always take the medicine before meals
  2. He should shave with an electric razor and avoid using safety razor
  3. If he misses one dose, he should compensate by taking double dose next time
  4. It is the responsibility of the doctor to teach the patient about this medication
Answer- B - Teaching about using the electric shaver should be given priority by the nurse for this patient. Warfarin is an anticoagulant and one of the major side effects is bleeding. Safety razor involves risk of bleeding through cuts. Missed doses should not be compensated by taking the dose at next scheduled time, as this increases the risk of bleeding. It is not necessary to take this drug before meals.
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