PHR Human Resources Exam Prep - Question List

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46. In behavioral leadership theories, the dimension of leadership behavior known as initiating structure or job-related refers to
  1. The interpersonal relationships that managers must first establish with employees before attempting to ensure completion of the actual work
  2. What employees needs to do, and how they need to do it, in order to attain objectives
  3. The training in which managers need to participate in order to develop the skills needed to be an effective leader
  4. The degree to which an individual demonstrates an innate ability to be an effective leader
47. You’ve been asked to make a recommendation relative to a new HRIS for your organization, and you need to collect information to assist you in formulating that recommendation. During the HRIS needs assessment, it would be important for you to ask all of the following questions except
  1. To what degree are current employees familiar with the new system?
  2. What financial resources can you commit to purchasing and implementing the system?
  3. What human and capital resources will be required to support implementation of the system?
  4. What financial, human and capital resources will be required to support and maintain the system?
48. A manager with whom you have not previously worked comes to you for help with implementing two different solutions she has come up with to fix a turnover problem in her department. This manager is highly regarded and highly visible in the organization. You are eager to perform well on this project because you are confident it will help you forge a relationship with this manager. You are also certain that the manager will tell her peers about her experience with you, which makes it particularly critical that you handle yourself well. Your first response should be to
  1. Communicate your commitment to implementing the manager’s solution.
  2. Offer alternative solutions based one experience you have had with similar situations.
  3. Ask questions to obtain more information about the problems the manager is experiencing.
  4. Ask questions to obtain information that will help you implement the manager’s solution more effectively.
49. An organization conducts an employee survey and finds that many employees are bored with their jobs, unhappy with their pay, and feel as though they don’t get enough vacation time. If the organization’s primary goal is to motivate employees, what is the first step that should be taken?
  1. Conduct a survey to determine pay rates and vacation allotments among labor market competitors.
  2. Identify ways in which employees’ jobs can be enriched, and implement them.
  3. Give everyone an across-the-board raise, and let employees know that you will be conducting a salary survey to see if further adjustments are needed.
  4. Conduct another employee survey to see if the results of this survey are consistent with the results of the first survey.
50. A competitor has recently hired three of your company’s employees. An email is sent to all remaining employees reminding them of their obligation to protect proprietary information to which they are exposed during the performance of their jobs, and that disciplinary action up to and including termination could result from violation of this policy. Shortly thereafter, a fourth employee interviews with a different competitor. The employee knows that he or she could present him or herself better by discussing current research and development projects on which he is working. The employee decides, however, not to discuss information about these projects with the interviewers.
This represents an example of:
  1. Negative reinforcement
  2. Positive reinforcement
  3. Punishment
  4. Extinction

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