Personal Trainer Practice Questions - Question List

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31. What is the correct term for the amount of blood pumped out by the left ventricle during one beat of the heart?
  1. Stroke volume
  2. End-diastolic volume
  3. Catecholamine volume
  4. Cardiac output
32. All of the following are components of the heart’s electrical conduction system EXCEPT:
  1. Sinoatrial node
  2. Atrioventricular node
  3. Catecholamines
  4. Purkinje fibers
33. Which part of the heart controls the rhythm of the heart’s electrical stimulations, and thus its pumping action?
  1. Atrioventricular node
  2. Sinoatrial node
  3. Purkinje fibers
  4. Atrioventricular bundle

How do the parts of a lever apply to principles of exercise in the body?

  1. Joints are the axis, skeletal muscles provide resistance, and any weights carried cause force to be applied
  2. Joints are the fulcrum, weights provide resistance, and the movements issue force against the weights
  3. Joints are the fulcrum, weights provide resistance, and the skeletal muscles are the axis
  4. Joints are the axis, skeletal muscle contractions cause force to be applied, and the moving portion are the resistance

Which type of lever has the resistance between the effort force and the axis of rotation with the force arm greater than the resistance arm?

  1. First-class lever
  2. Second-class lever
  3. Third-class lever
  4. Axis lever

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