Personal Trainer Practice Questions - Question List

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Why are slow-twitch muscles more resistant to fatigue during exercise, thus making them better for longer duration exercises?

  1. They have more developed sarcoplasmic reticula, which release calcium more quickly.
  2. They have less developed sarcoplasmic reticula, which release calcium more quickly.
  3. They have less developed sarcoplasmic reticula, which release calcium more slowly.
  4. They have more developed sarcoplasmic reticula, which release calcium more slowly.
12. What is the correct name for the type of nerves that excite organ systems, such as the digestive system or the circulatory system?
  1. Autonomic
  2. Somatic
  3. Afferent
  4. Central
13. What part of a nerve cell allows for saltatory conduction?
  1. Myelin sheath
  2. Dendrites
  3. Axon terminals
  4. Nodes of Ranvier
14. What controls the process of changing membrane potential in the nerve cell membrane by allowing sodium ions to rush into the cell?
  1. Depolarization
  2. Hyperpolarization
  3. Sodium-potassium pump
  4. Saltatory conduction
15. What principle is at play when the electrical threshold of the nerve cell membrane is reached, causing the propagation of the action potential?
  1. The Schwann cell principle of conduction
  2. The all-or-none principle
  3. The sliding filament principle
  4. The principle of repolarized propagation

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