Personal Trainer Practice Questions - Question List

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6. What part within the muscle fiber stores glycogen and myoglobin and is made up of lipids, enzymes and various types of cellular organelles?
  1. Sarcolemma
  2. Sarcoplasm
  3. Transverse tubules
  4. Myofibrils
7. Within the myofibril, which of the following is the lighter band that contains only actin?
  1. H zone
  2. M line
  3. A band
  4. I band
8. Which of the following correctly describes what happens within the muscle fiber during contraction?
  1. Myosin cross-bridges bind, actin slides over myosin, Z lines are pulled together
  2. Z lines are pulled together, myosin slides over actin, myosin cross-bridges bind
  3. Myofilaments shorten in length, sarcomere lengthens, Z lines are pulled together
  4. Myosin filaments shorten, actin slides over myosin, A band shortens

What is the function of calcium in the muscle stimulation process?

  1. Provides the action potential
  2. Binds with troponin to open up binding sites
  3. Binds to actin filaments’ binding sites
  4. Conducts the electrical impulse along the myofibril
10. Which of the following does not correctly describe fast-twitch muscles fibers?
  1. They have a quick rate of calcium ion releases
  2. They use blood glucose and muscle glycogen for energy.
  3. They are used during aerobic exercises.
  4. They generate fast, powerful muscle actions.

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