LSAT - Question List

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56. Oxgen Pharmaceuticals recently released a report concluding that Jeloco Pharmaceuticals’ products are unsafe and are known to cause birth defects. This report cannot be trusted, however, since Oxgen is Jeloco’s rival and they are currently in competition for a large grant for drug research. Oxgen’s report is biased, and so it is clear that there is nothing wrong with Jeloco’s products and they do not cause birth defects.

The reasoning in the preceding passage is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it
  1. Treats evidence showing bias as evidence showing falsehoods.
  2. Draws an conclusion from an unrepresentative sample.
  3. Fails to take into account the untrustworthy nature of studies regarding birth defects.
  4. Presumes, without providing justification, that Oxgen had reason to embellish its claims against Jeloco.
  5. Presumes, without providing justification, that two competitors would have reason to criticize the other.
57. Anyone who eats a sweet potato microwaved to an internal temperature of 200°F does not consume the same amount of vitamin A as a person eating a raw sweet potato. However, any other method of heating a sweet potato to the same temperature, such as boiling or baking, does not cause a decrease in consumption of vitamin A. Therefore, it is the microwave, not simply heat, that destroys vitamin A in a sweet potato.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
  1. Sweet potatoes taste relatively similar whether they are baked or microwaved.
  2. People do not eat the vitamin A-rich skin of a microwaved sweet potato due to its odd texture after heating, but do eat the skin after baking or boiling the potato.
  3. It takes much more time to boil or bake a sweet potato than to microwave it.
  4. People are more likely to microwave a sweet potato rather than boil or bake them because of the decreased time required, prompting more people to eat them even if they are lower in vitamin A.
  5. Vitamin A decreases in all foods the longer it cooks by any method.
58. Miguel: “My mother is worried that I will hurt myself because I always ride my bicycle without a helmet. But I heard that deadly bike accidents are more common with mountain bikes than with road bikes, so I probably will be safe while riding my road bike. Wearing a helmet would not do anything to lessen my risk of an accident.”

Which of the following is a flaw in Miguel’s argument?
  1. He presumes that his mother is a biased source of information.
  2. He mistakes evidence for something being likely for evidence of it being certain.
  3. He mistakes evidence for one activity being safer than another as evidence of that activity’s absolute safety.
  4. He mistakes a sufficient condition for one that is necessary.
  5. He mistakes the rate of deadly bike accidents with the rate of overall bike accidents.
59. Situation: A person on a limited budget takes his date to an expensive restaurant, even though there are many more reasonable but still enjoyable establishments in the area.

Analysis: Some people are willing to sacrifice necessities in order to impress another.

Which of the following most closely conforms to the above analysis?
  1. Mitchell’s favorite food is steak and he wanted to celebrate his birthday at his favorite steakhouse. However, he was unemployed this year so he instead bought a steak at the supermarket and cooked it at home.
  2. Maria prefers to take the faster express train to work even though the standard train is half the cost.
  3. In order to afford a professional haircut, Carrie skipped breakfast and lunch for two weeks to save the money.
  4. Marla convinced her boyfriend to buy her a new dress for their anniversary dinner.
  5. Shevon always carpools to work because she is concerned about the environmental impact of driving alone.
60. Marcus noticed many young men in his neighborhood dropping out of school, so he saved his money in order to give each neighborhood child who graduated high school a small scholarship to cover the cost of books in college. Seeing Marcus’s generosity, many parents in the neighborhood began shopping at his convenience store more often to show their appreciation for his good deeds.

Which of the following propositions is illustrated by the passage?
  1. The only way to get kids to stay in school is to offer them financial incentives.
  2. Anyone doing a good deed has an ulterior motive.
  3. It takes broad community support to get a child to succeed in school.
  4. Altruistic actions can have positive but unintended consequences.
  5. The cost of college has increased to where most families cannot afford it without help.

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