LSAT - Question List

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51. Ilana: “I just read an article in the newspaper which claims that children who listen to rap music are more prone to violence. We should make sure our children are not exposed to rap music with violent lyrics.”

Michael: “We will do no such thing. That article only applied to children under the age of 10, and the youngest of our kids is 11. We don't have to restrict them from listening to rap music.”

Michael’s argument against Ilana makes which of the following errors in reasoning?
  1. It relies upon the same source as Ilana used in her argument.
  2. It confuses undermining an argument in support of a conclusion for undermining the conclusion itself.
  3. It does not address the main point of Ilana’s argument.
  4. It criticizes Ilana’s character without criticizing her argument.
  5. It fails to distinguish the consequences and causes of a practice.
52. Melanie, an administrative assistant with ABC Pharmaceuticals, is planning to take a long cruise through the Caribbean, using all of her accumulated vacation time. She has worked at ABC for two years, and is entitled to three weeks of vacation at this time. All non-senior management employees at ABC are entitled to two weeks of vacation each year, but can use any unused vacation time from previous years.

If all of the preceding information is true, then which of the following must be true?
  1. Melanie is considered senior management.
  2. Melanie did not use one week of her vacation time last year.
  3. Melanie did not take a vacation last year.
  4. ABC Pharmaceuticals regularly grants extra vacation time for their top employees.
  5. Next year Melanie will only be allowed to take one week of vacation.
53. Students at Glenmont High School spend nine hours a day at school, five days per week, while students at Ridgewood High School only spend seven hours a day at school, five days per week. On a recent test, students at both high schools had the same scores in math and reading. Therefore, Glenmont High School could reduce the amount of time students spend in class without reducing the quality of instruction in all subjects.

The argument above is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it
  1. Equates the value of math scores with reading scores.
  2. Compares two things which are not similar enough to warrant comparison.
  3. Presumes, without providing justification, that math and reading scores are always constant.
  4. Presumes, without providing justification, that what is true for some subjects is true for all.
  5. Confuses the quality of instruction with time spent in a classroom.
54. All oil-based paint can stain clothing. All watercolor paint can be cleaned from clothing. This paint is a mix of oil-based and watercolor paints. Therefore, it will stain clothing but not as severely as pure oil-based paint.

Which of the following passages uses flawed reasoning that most closely resembles the above passage?
  1. All children who eat nutritious food have a lot of energy. But some children who eat poorly also have a lot of energy. Abigail eats food that is somewhat nutritious. Therefore, Abigail is somewhat energetic.
  2. Spinach is a very healthy food. White rice, however, is not very nutritious. If Barbara eats a dish made from spinach and white rice, it will be moderately nutritious.
  3. All employees of XYZ Manufacturing are welders. All employees of ABC Construction are contractors. Reggie has brothers employed as both welders and contractors. Thus, Reggie must have family employed by both XYZ and ABC.
  4. Roy keeps his shoes polished and in excellent condition. Raymond does not and never polishes his shoes. In this closet, half the shoes are polished and half unpolished. The polished half must be Roy’s and the unpolished half Raymond’s shoes.
  5. All nurses take coursework in biology. All architects take coursework in math. Evette was a nurse but went back to school to become an architect. She must have taken coursework in both biology and in math.
55. Graduation from college is in many ways similar to retirement from a career. Just as graduating college students look back on knowledge gained and friendships made during college, a new retiree ___________________.

Which of the following most accurately completes the passage?
  1. Fears what will come next.
  2. Reminisces about their time in college.
  3. Focuses on what the future will bring.
  4. Reflects on how their career could have been different.
  5. Reflects on the history of their now ending career.

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