Chemical Dependency Counselor License Exam - Question List

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36. When is a client’s treatment plan due?
  1. On the day of discharge.
  2. Two weeks after discharge.
  3. One week after a client admits to the group that the person is an alcoholic or an addict.
  4. None of the above.
37. A client that is suspected of being suicidal is often given which two of the tests below?
  1. The Mental Status Exam
  2. The Strong Interest Inventory
  3. The Beck Depression Inventory 11
  4. Family Tree Questionnaire
38. Which of these instruments are considered the most appropriate screening assessment in determining relapse possibilities?
  1. TWEAK.
  2. CAGE.
  3. CBI.
  4. SASSI.
39. Which Cluster are the personality disorders featuring odd and isolative behaviors grouped into?
  1. Cluster A.
  2. Cluster B.
  3. Cluster C.
  4. Cluster D.
40. Case management is one of the twelve cores brought together to provide services to clients. Which is not considered a case management approach?
  1. Criminal Justice.
  2. Substance Abuse.
  3. Mental Health.
  4. Social services.

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